
Query Wizards And ____ Automate The Process Of Writing Sql Commands In A Relational Database.

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Business Information
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
1. A primary key is always made up of only one field.
a. True
b. False
2. The ability to connect data in different tables through a common field is sometimes referred to as a relationship.
a. True
b. False
3. Data integrity refers to the quality and accuracy of the data.
a. True
b. False
Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
4. A ____ is a collection of data that has been organized to meet users' needs.
a. file
b. database
c. relationship
d. snippet
5. Data ____ refers to the quality and accuracy of the data.
a. warehousing
b. redundancy
c. modification
d. integrity
6. In a database, a collection of related records is referred to as a table or a ____.
a. field
b. record
c. file
d. unit
7. A primary key is a ____ within a database table that uniquely identifies each record.
a. field
b. record
c. file
d. unit
8. In a database, first name would be an example of a ____.
a. field
b. record
c. file
d. unit
9. Primary keys ensure that ____.
a. all of the data is 100 percent accurate
c. the data can be normalized
b. duplicate records are not stored in the database
d. records are not accidentally deleted
10. Ethical issues around the subject of big data generally center on the issue of ________.
a. piracy
b. pornography
c. privacy
d. storage requirements
11. Useful ________ is data organized in some meaningful way.
a. structure
b. hierarchy
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Business Information
c. inventory
d. information
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
12. SQL is one example of a data manipulation language.
a. True
b. False
Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
13. Query wizards and ____ automate the process of writing SQL commands in a relational database.
a. DDL
b. PHP
c. Query by Example (QBE)
d. DML
14. A popular database software program called ____ offers a wizard and QBE tool to help build and generate SQL
a. MS Excel
b. MS Data Manager
c. MS Access
15. A schema illustrates the ____ and ____ in a database and the relationships among them.
a. records and fields
b. bits and bytes
c. tables and fields
d. rows and columns
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
16. A database administrator designs, implements, and maintains a database.
a. True
b. False
Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
17. With ____, data is able to be stored on Internet servers housed in data centers.
a. relational databases
b. data mining
c. EDI
d. cloud computing
18. A very large database that holds important data from a variety of sources is called a ____.
a. data warehouse
b. flat file database
c. data mart
d. data mine field
19. On, when the customer is ready to make a purchase, the database ____ manages the entire process.
a. table
b. administrator
c. report
d. management system
20. A data definition language is used to define the ____ of a database.
a. QBE
b. data and relationships
c. size
d. model
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Business Information
21. Inaccurate input entered into a database resulting in incorrect output is also known as ____.
a. data failure
c. data redundancy
d. normalized data
22. A common type of flat file database format known as ____ stores records as a line of text separated by commas.
a. CSV
b. relational
c. XLS
d. XML
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
23. Database tools include software and techniques for analyzing, maintaining, and manipulating data in a database.
a. True
b. False
24. A database schema can stand alone as a single file or be part of a database.
a. True
b. False
25. The business-to-consumer (B2C) model of ecommerce is also called etail.
a. True
b. False
26. Mcommerce stands for marketing commerce, which is concerned with online advertising directly to etail consumers.
a. True
b. False
27. Craigslist, the online classifieds website, is a popular B2C site.
a. True
b. False
28. Electronic storefronts and cybermalls are both examples of Etail.
a. True
b. False
Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
29. In the _____ form of ecommerce, transactions between businesses across private networks, the Internet, and the web
are supported.
a. B2C
b. B2B
c. C2C
d. 2BC
30. In the _____ form of ecommerce, the web is used to connect individual consumers directly with retailers to purchase
a. B2C
b. B2B
c. C2C
d. 2BC
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Business Information
31. Individual consumers use the _____ form of ecommerce to sell to other individuals on the web.
a. B2C
b. B2B
c. C2C
d. B2W
32. Online _____, clearinghouses, and marketplaces provide a platform for businesses and individuals to sell their
products and belongings.
a. auctions
b. networks
c. portals
d. FTP sites
33. The B2B electronic exchange differs from global supply management in that it focuses on _____.
a. consumer-to-consumer commerce
b. spending management
c. consumer demand
d. a specific industry
34. _____ can be defined as systems that support electronically executed business transactions.
a. Groupon
b. Ecommerce
c. GSM
d. Mcommerce
35. EDI, ________, smart cards, and digital certificates are designed to support safe and secure online transactions.
a. USB
b. ecash
c. ecert
d. easyCash
36. An online B2B transaction uses a(n) _____ network to exchange information on the web.
a. etail
b. mcommerce
c. NSF
d. EDI
37. One of the biggest roadblocks to ecash and ewallet technologies is _____.
a. Internet speed
b. bandwidth
c. processing power
d. fear
38. Google Wallet software utilizes Android phones with near field communication technology, such as _____, to allow
shoppers to swipe their phone at checkout to pay for items.
a. B2C
d. EDI
39. Which of the following is another name for ecash?
a. digicash
b. digital dollars
c. emoney
d. tokens
40. Ecommerce hosting companies offer _____ that provide all the necessary software tools to deliver ecommerce
a. domains
b. certifications
c. servers
d. certificates
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
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Business Information
41. In a proactive problem-solving approach, the problem solver seeks out potential problems before they become serious.
a. True
b. False
42. A company that focuses on identifying a solution to an existing problem that benefits the company or its customers
uses a reactive problem-solving approach.
a. True
b. False
Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
43. Business systems are primarily computer-based information systems that provide organizations with valuable
a. input
b. information
c. technical support
d. hardware
44. In _____ processing, transactions are collected over time and processed together in groups.
a. real-time
b. expert
c. commercial
d. batch
45. Management information systems are typically powered by _____.
a. transactions
b. expert systems
c. key performance indicators
d. databases
46. Concert tickets, flight reservations, and course registrations are all examples of __________ transactions.
a. relational
b. batch
c. real-time
d. expert
47. The final stage of decision making and problem solving is known as the _____ stage, where the results of a decision
are reviewed.
a. intelligence
b. choice
c. implementation
d. monitoring
48. A management information system uses a(n) _____ report when a request is made by a specific person for a specific
a. demand
b. key-indicator
c. automatic
d. exception
49. Bioinformatics is sometimes called _____ biology.
a. concatenated
b. computer-based
c. computational
d. calculated
50. A graphical representation of a company's key performance indicators can be displayed in a(n) _____ for easier access
to important data.
a. transaction processing system
b. executive dashboard
c. database
d. optimized model
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Business Information
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
51. Customer relationship management (CRM) systems can support targeted marketing.
a. True
b. False
52. A systems analyst is a professional who specializes in analyzing and designing systems.
a. True
b. False
Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
53. Through the use of a _____ system, information on prospective, current, and past customers is stored and analyzed for
future planning.
a. CSM
b. CTM
c. CRM
d. CPM
54. One example of a project management tool is a(n) ________.
b. entity relation diagram
c. Gantt chart
d. CRM system
55. Good _____ systems provide a framework for best practices in business management.
a. input
b. hardware
c. solid-state
d. information
56. CRM systems that deliver improved customer service and targeted marketing support all of the following areas of an
enterprise EXCEPT _____.
a. human resources
b. sales
c. market research
d. product development
57. A(n) _____ system can help a business alleviate the need for multiple information systems.
a. decision support
b. enterprise resource planning
c. employee management
d. expert
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
58. Offshoring involves a company moving a production line from the United States to another country, often to take
advantage of cheaper labor and lower taxes.
a. True
b. False
59. A global company often has no easily defined home country.
a. True
b. False
60. An international company has no fixed home country, and manufactures and markets its brands internationally.
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Business Information
a. True
b. False
Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
61. ____ refers to changes in societies and the world economy resulting from dramatically increased international trade
and cultural exchange.
a. Outsourcing effect
b. Globalization
c. Telecommunications
d. Ergonomic change
62. When using a distributed workforce, collaborators are chosen based on ____.
a. quality, reputation, and price
b. location and technology
c. location
d. technology
63. A benefit to the United States of offshoring is ____.
a. an increase in the domestic labor market
b. growing prosperity in developing nations, which raises demand there for American goods and services
c. a higher income tax base
d. a reduction in global competition
64. ____ is an example of offshoring.
a. Moving a production plant to Taiwan
b. Hiring a graphic design company in India to create your product's packaging
c. Setting up satellite warehouses for your company in Seattle, Chicago, and Atlanta
d. Buying office supplies from a company in Hong Kong
65. The boom in collaboration between U.S. companies and workforces in India created a need for ____.
a. Internet 3.0
b. transatlantic telecommunications infrastructure
c. project management workflow software
d. all of these
66. Often, it is difficult to name a home country for a(n) ____ business.
a. international
b. multinational
c. transnational
d. global
67. A(n) ____ company maintains its management and business operations in its home country while exporting or
importing products to and from other countries.
a. international
b. multinational
c. global
d. transnational
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
68. An important element in exhibiting intelligence is our ability to communicate and use language.
a. True
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b. False
69. In case-based reasoning, artificial intelligence software keeps an ongoing collection of problem cases and their
a. True
b. False
70. Computerized expert systems can find trouble spots in computer networks, but still are unable to diagnose diseases
given a patient's symptoms.
a. True
b. False
71. Computational intelligence methodologies set up a system whereby the software can develop intelligence through an
iterative learning process.
a. True
b. False
72. A fuzzy system in computational intelligence guarantees results that are always certain and valid.
a. True
b. False
73. Artificial intelligence methodologies consist of the various approaches to AI research that generally fall under one of
two categories: pattern recognition or computational intelligence.
a. True
b. False
74. Advances in neural networks are providing insight into treatment for mental illness and other brain-related diseases.
a. True
b. False
75. The Turing Test was first passed by a computer in 1950, when Alan Turing wrote a paper entitled "Computing
Machinery and Intelligence."
a. True
b. False
76. The Singularity is the point in time at which computers exceed humans in intelligence.
a. True
b. False
77. Moore's Law predicts that the speed of computers will double about every two years.
a. True
b. False
Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
78. The art and science of creating computer systems that simulate human thought and behavior are referred to as ____.
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a. informatics
c. expert intelligence
b. artificial intelligence
d. knowledge management
79. Expert systems, case-based reasoning, and Bayesian networks are all examples of ____________.
a. conventional AI
b. fuzzy logic
c. computational intelligence
d. neural networks
80. Computational intelligence is a form of _________.
a. artificial intelligence
b. knowledge management
c. case-based reasoning
d. singularity
81. Using ____ logic, results are based on approximations and sometimes ambiguous criteria.
a. fuzzy
b. program
c. Boolean
d. neat AI
82. AI neural networks use ____ to simulate the processing that takes place between neurons in the brain.
a. synapses
b. software
c. expert systems
d. cognition
83. A feature of neural networks includes the ability to quickly ____ stored data when new information is identified.
a. delete
b. transfer
c. modify
d. export
84. ____ proposed a test to determine whether a computer can be said to exhibit human intelligence.
a. Alan Turing
b. Ray Kurzweil
c. Bill Gates
d. Albert Einstein
85. The concept of machines with intelligence that exceeds human intelligence is referred to as __________.
a. strong AI
b. symbolic AI
c. fuzzy AI
d. neat AI
86. A strong advocate of the Singularity concept is ____.
a. Bill Gates
b. Alan Turing
c. Ray Kurzweil
d. Al Gore
87. One important characteristic of artificial intelligence is when a system modifies its own behavior based on its ability to
learn, also known as ____.
a. the Blue Brain project
b. machine learning
c. the Singularity
d. an algorithm
88. An expert system uses _________ , or rules of thumb, to arrive at conclusions or make suggestions.
a. heuristics
b. computational intelligence
c. analogies
d. simulation
89. The concept of the Singularity predicts that computers will be ____.
a. destructive
b. superintelligent
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c. smaller
d. wireless
90. An expert system relies on ____ to provide subject-specific knowledge.
a. human experts
b. the Singularity
c. computational analysis
d. Bayesian analysis
91. Neural networks, fuzzy systems, and evolutionary computation are all forms of __________, where systems develop
intelligence through an iterative learning process.
a. conventional intelligence
b. fuzzy logic
c. computational intelligence
d. relational intelligence
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